The Job Applicant Perspective

Staying sane while job searching matters!

How can you find that next better job when you are too busy reeling from the rejection of the last 50? Check below to find up to date tips from fellow job hunters as well as links to professional online resources.

Online Therapy Providers

Disclaimer: By linking mental support resources here we at The Job Applicant Perspective are in no way means or form saying any particular person, job seeking or not, is crazy or less than. We are saying – job searching can be a profoundly vulnerable and lonely time in your life.

You – as a human – should feel the love and support you deserve because you matter and your experience of life matters. If these resources are of value to you – awesome, if they aren’t – no worries. Maybe someone else will find them worthwhile so we’re gonna keep them.

If you have a technique you could share, we are here for it. We want you to be here with us when you can share with the whole community that you found that next job and your career is back on track. We want to celebrate that, so we are gonna put this out there so that future outcome can be there too.

Discover online mental health care at Cerebral. Access therapy, medication options and dedicated care team. Start improving your mental health.


Connect with licensed therapist and experienced the most convenient,affordable way to improve your mental health-with or without insurance.

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Regain offers convenient, affordable online therapy when you need it from licensed broad-accredited therapists

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Mental health care from online psychiatrists.

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E-tharapy Cafe offers online face-to-face counseling fro life’s challenges

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Eight Ways to Protect Your Mental Health

“When You’re Unemployed” “When we lose a job, we’re not just losing income. We’re losing the friends we had on the job, and sometimes our professional network. We lose status and stability. Many of us lose a sense of purpose and meaning.”

There’s another factor that makes mental health worse: stigmatization of the unemployed. As a 2019 series of experiments described, we are very quick to blame the people seeking work for their own unemployment (even when, for example, a global pandemic throws millions of people out of work)—and we tend to view the unemployed as less competent.

We make mental health support accessible to everyone, no matter their background or experience. Through our flagship Headspace app, we provide mindfulness tools for everyday life, including meditations, sleepcasts, mindful movement and focus exercises. Our enterprise offerings combine this experience with a human-centered model of care, with coaching, therapy, psychiatry and EAP services under one roof. Our team of experts ranges from mental health clinicians, to Emmy award-winning producers and data scientists, working together as one to help millions of people around the world be healthier and more productive.

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Calm is the #1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. Sleep better, relieve stress, lower anxiety and refocus your attention. Explore an extensive library of guided meditations, Sleep Stories, breathwork, exclusive music and stretching exercises.

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Improve your mood and become your own expert with the wisdom and guidance of MoodKit at your fingertips! • Featured in London Times, NY Times, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, CNET, Discover Magazine & more • Developed by experts and repeatedly selected as one of the “best mental health apps” in the world • Professional psychology tips and tools for everyday life!

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Better Stop Suicide has been designed to help tackle the growing problem of suicide, which takes the lives of over 800,000 people every year. This is a free app using world-leading psychological techniques and technology to stop people from committing suicide.

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Happify’s science-based activities and games can help you overcome negative thoughts, stress, and life’s challenges. Our techniques are developed by leading scientists and experts who’ve been studying evidence-based interventions in the fields of positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy for decades.

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Guided Anxiety Journaling. Guided Coping Techniques. Guided Mood Check-In. Guided Positive Reinforcements.

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Jake - VT

“My mental health would be helped immensely by not trying to put my best foot forward and being repeatedly rejected by people that affect my ability to pay my mortgage”

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