The Job Applicant Perspective

5 Under Discussed Job Seeker Rights

We are currently in the midst of a historic shift in how hiring is done related to many historic shifts in how employment is done.  As a result a job seeker may be left wondering – what power DO I have in all this mess. Fear not.  As always, we are here to shed light onto what the hiring process looks like from the job applicant perspective.  Advocates for job applicants may find themselves being the one reporting  these issues – as the unpaid work of job seeking keeps job seekers quite busy.  Nevertheless to make it a little easier, we have included this list.  Here are 5 under discussed  rights a job seeker should look for

Right to a Written Job Offer

  • Explanation: While not legally required in all cases, job seekers can request a written job offer to ensure clarity on the terms of employment, including salary, benefits, and job responsibilities. This helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a reference point for future employment discussions.
  • Source: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

2. Right to Non-Discriminatory Job Advertisements

  • Explanation: Job advertisements must be free from discriminatory language or requirements that unfairly exclude candidates based on race, gender, age, disability, or other protected characteristics. Job seekers have the right to report discriminatory ads to relevant authorities.
  • Source: EEOC – Employment Discrimination

3. Right to Salary Transparency

  • Explanation: Several states require pay ranges and salary transparency for either federal, state, or all workers to be posted.  You can find a link to see if your state is included
  • Source: Handbooks.IO 

4. Right to Conceal Your Pay History

  • Explanation:Several states also now have laws on the books creating  a ban on employers asking after your salary history.  This is meant to keep closing the gap on salary growth inequities that aren’t based on the quality of your work.
  • Source: HR Drive

5. Right to Privacy of Personal Information

  • Explanation: Employers must handle job seekers’ personal information confidentially and securely. This includes protection from unauthorized access or sharing of resumes, application details, and background check results.
  • Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

These rights help ensure a fair and transparent hiring process, protecting job seekers from potential abuses and misunderstandings. If these rights are violated, job seekers can seek assistance from relevant legal and regulatory bodies.

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